Nobody likes scratched glass.

Having cleaned windows for over 10 years, I cringe when I hear the horror stories. The customer hires a window cleaning company with promise of a job well done. But this is far from what they receive. Clean glass just doesn’t look the same with hairline scratches all over it! Who can simply ignore the scratches and feel okay about what just happened? I truly hope this has never happened to you.

What causes these scratches in the first place? Is it the razor blade? Is it the window cleaner’s technique? Or is it something else?

The answer is tempered glass. More specifically, it is the fabricated debris that are left on the surface of poor quality glass. The surface quality of a piece of glass has a direct effect on whether it will scratch or not during the cleaning process. Low-quality tempered glass has fabricated debris fused to its surface and these debris are extremely likely to be dislodged and dragged across the window during cleaning. (The Fields Company are glass experts and have a great write up if you would like to know more about tempered glass.)

All of this said, there are gentle methods available to clean tempered glass that DO NOT dislodge these particles and cause scratches. Views window cleaning is very familiar with what will and will not scratch your glass.

I hope this information proves helpful and i hope that you never have to experience a scratched glass disaster! Always choose a window cleaner who is familiar with tempered glass and how to clean it properly!

Ryan Gawdun – owner and operator of views window cleaning

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A wall of tempered glass
a wall of tempered glass
Fabricated Debris being dragged across a tempered glass surface
fabricated debris being scraped across glass
Tempered glass
tempered glass information location on a window